Kjell Vos Portfolio!

I post about code here and other IT related subject matter.

ZombieShooterGame Development Log #1

Hello! This is the first development log or DevLog for short for my game that is called ‘ZombieShooterGame’, Atleast it’s named that for now.

Here is a video to get a quick impression on where i am.

Link for mobile: Youtube Video

This is the basic code about the decision making for pathfinding and steering:

if (route == null && canSeePlayer) {
  //setup route to player
}else if (route != null) {
   //follow route to player
    //wander around where player was last seen

It might look pretty here but the real code is somewhat more sloppy. I will work on that tomorrow and discuss it if necessary in another blog post. I played around a fair bit with the values for steering and pathfinding and feel like it is pretty good now. I basically have the steering settings so that every actor can go full speed immediately. In the video i disabled the lighting engine so that it would be easier visible, but normally it works great and adds a little creepy ambience.

I feel like i am getting closer to a working product, After this I will be adding inventory, building towers(recipes etc.), placing towers, tower behavior, monster behavior, gathering and player combat. This will take a while of course. The best things come slow and steady.

So what’s working in this video is:

  • Light/Shadows
  • Basic collision
  • Creating enemy actors
  • Pathfinding and steering behaviors
  • Items(No effects yet)
  • Animations

I will be adding an inventory screen, Here is the code: github

Check later development logs of this project for the status!

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